Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act/No Child Left Behind (Federal Law) provides financial and administrative assistance to the Michigan Department of Education and local school districts to meet the educational needs of at-risk students.
The purpose of Title IIa-- Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting—is to help support sustained and intensive professional development.
The purpose of Title III-LEP and III-Immigrant--is to provide instruction and professional development that help limited English proficient students in the speedy acquisition of English language proficiency to achieve in the core academic subjects. It also provides immigrant students with high quality instruction to meet challenging State standards, and assists the transition of immigrant children and youth into American society.
The purpose of Section 31a and 41 State grants is to provide supplemental instruction to at-risk students and limited English proficient students in the district.
The goal of TITLE I is to help at-risk students meet the state’s performance standards by providing students with supplemental instructional services and activities.
TITLE I programs may offer:
How does a school become a TITLE I school?
The Federal Government provides funding to each State. In Michigan, the funding goes to the Michigan Department of Education. Next, the funding is divided up to school districts. A school becomes a TITLE I school based on its number of low-income students.
Parents…. You can help your child be successful at school by becoming an active participant in the TITLE I Parent Involvement Plan at your school. Ask your Principal for more information!