The Effect of Allium Sativum, Camellia Sinensis and Penicillin on the Growth of Escherichia Coli Bacteria

The purpose of this research was to determine if home remedies are just as effective as antibiotics when killing bacteria. To perform the experiment, each of the three treatments was applied to the Petri dish with the Escherichia Coli, or E.coli bacteria, and the zone of inhibition was measured. The three different treatments that were used are Camellia Sinensis, or green tea, Allium Sativum, or garlic powder, and penicillin. After comparing the zone of inhibitions that each of the three treatments created, it could be inferred that green tea had the overall highest zone of inhibition. This meant that the bacteria had the least amount of resistance to the green tea and that the green tea was able to kill more E.coli bacteria cells. Two different statistical tests were done to compare the effects of green tea to penicillin and the effects of garlic powder to penicillin. The results show that green tea did have a different zone of inhibition than penicillin while garlic powder had about the same zone of inhibition compared to penicillin. These results can conclude that some home remedies do kill off more bacteria than common antibiotics.

Research Conducted By:

Stephanie Close
Sterling Heights High School

Claire St.Louis
Warren Mott High School